As part of building rhythms of rest and reconnection into our calendar, we do something a bit different each long weekend. This year, we won't be gathering as a community for Easter. Instead, we are encouraging each other to connect in different ways - connect with God, with family and friends, with land, and with yourself. You might choose to get away for the long weekend, spend some time in nature, throw a dinner party, or just curl up with a good book. Whatever it looks like for you, you'll find some resources below that might help you engage meaninfully as we recall Jesus' death and resurrection.
As you prepare your heart to consider the story of Jesus' death and resurection this Easter, perhaps you might like to consider watching this video from the Bible Project. How is Jesus' death and resurrection part of the ongoing story of creation and recreation? What does this story change in your life?
What does it mean that all things are made new? East is a time of newness and hope - but so often it doesn't feel like this in our world today. Perhaps you can take a stroll, put in your headphones, and spend some time listening to this podcast episode.
Nadia Bolz-Weber is a Lutheran pastor in the States who often reflects on the mundane, the lowly, and the dirty - all the good parts of the Christian community! "Our scars and our sorrow will always be part of our story but they will never be the conclusion of our story," she says. Her Easter message from last year has struck a note, and ties in beautifully with what we have been exploring as a community in Luke over the past couple of months.
How are you going to connect this weekend? Whatever you choose to do, do it strategically and thoughtfully. Get away, have a staycation, connect with loved ones, or spend time on your own reflecting on the remarkable story of life, death, and resurrection that sits at the centre of our faith.