New City Church’s vision is bold. In growing a new faith community where all are safe to come and find hope, we are stepping out and taking a fairly substantial risk. But we believe that New City Church is exactly what our city needs. We believe it’s worth it.  

If you are on board with this vision, we invite you to join us in seeing it become a reality by partnering with us financially. 

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If you'd prefer, you can also give via direct debit: 

Account: New City Church 

BSB: 032010

Account: 445640

How much should I give?

Since you asked, we'll be honest! There is no "right amount to give" because we know that everyone's situation is different and we are just excited that you are eager to be generous! 

If it helps in your decision, the most useful thing for us in shaping our finances and preparing to grow our vision in the future is regular giving (ie. dollars every week/fortnight/month), but if a one off donation tickles your fancy, we're all for that as well! 

New City Church is committed to using funds wisely and transparently. If you would like more information about how your money is being used, please do not hesitate to contact us.